Design and testing
Growing vegetables at home
Given the problemstatement that How might we help a beginners in home gardening living in Guangzhou who wants to plant some vegetables at the balcony address the problems of finding the suitable types of vegetable, geting all things buy efficiently as well as seeking professional guides generally considered imcomplete and scattered in different platforms,so that one could do home gardening successfully with family.
the scope of the future journey and story mapping exercise will be restricted to #1,#3,#4 of the following steps:
1Finding the suitable plants
2Planing the balcony
3Buying the seeds and supplies needed
4Joining the growing community activities

This platform is currently considering cooperation with the Guangzhou Institute of Agronomy and Guangzhou agricultural enterprises, there are two means of realizing: first, users need to register as members in order to see more ways to grow vegetables as well as to ask experts from the Institute of Agriculture for advice on planting problems; second, the platform will charge the enterprises a certain commission for the goods sold.
A usability test will also be conducted to validate the monetization logic of user's purchasing product and engaging the targeted players to subscribe to the community membership.
>To see my struggling working experience,you can visit my journal here.